Život v duchu posolstiev

Dátum: 23.06.2013

Vložil: Ľuboš

Titulok: prosba o preklad

Pochválený buď Ježiš Kristus,
Poprosil by som Vás o tento preklad: Je veľmi dôležitý...
Posolstvo od Enocha prostredníctvom Panny Márie.


JUN 19, 2013 - 8:50 A.M.


Great events await humanity, my Father ’s awakening of consciousness will show you the truth and I wil l open your understanding for you to return to this world to fulfill all the pending missions. Each one of you my faithful children will return to this world with a specific mission to be fulfilled. My fifth dogma will be promulgated after the Warning, therefore, fear not, all you will be done according to the will of my Father.

Pray for the Pope Francis, for he will have to overcome difficult ordeals during his pontificate. The emissaries of evil infiltrated in the See of Peter will put him to the test, they want to modernize the Church of my Son and introduce new changes in the celebration of Holy Mass.

Chain pray my little children, for the Pope not to carry out such changes that would be detrimental to the Catholic world. These changes would open the door to false ecumenism which would bring pagan doctrine to the Church and with it the collapse of the doctrine of the Church. All this would be the beginning of the schism, and, you already know the consequences to the Catholic world. Pray that these changes will not occur in the pontificate of Pope Francis.

The enemies of the Church of my Son, will be known soon, by their fruits you will know who they are, everything has been planned by the emissaries of evil within the Vatican, for my Son’s Church to begin its Calvary. The event which will move the foundations of the Church is about to take place and will make many falter in their faith and turn away from my son.

Children, regardless of how hard the purification of the Church, remain firm in the faith and pray for it. The Church is my son and you are his mystical body, abandon it not, do prayer chains, know that all this is part of purification, which is necessary for the rebirth of a new church.

Today I cry my little children, because soon the Church of my Son will be betrayed by many of its leaders who yesterday had sworn faithfulness. The treason that my son will suffer through his Church, will be worse than Judas’ betrayal, everything has to be fulfilled as it is written, but the pain and sadness overwhelms me, to see the deception and hypocrisy of so many purple ones. The purification of the Church is underway so Cyrene’s, help him carry his cross, for his Calvary to be less painful. After the storm comes the calm and the beginning of a new church to be poor, humble, simple, but full of graces and totally surrendered to the service of the sons of God. May the peace of my Father be with you, my faithful little children, your Mother who loves you, Mary Mystical Rose.

Make my message known to all mankind.

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